The NGO World Foundation

Islamabad: Focus group discussion about “Institutional Capacity Building for Civil Society Organizations”

Institute of NGO Leadership and Management (INGOLOAM), a subsidiary of The NGO World is going to organize a focus group discussion about “Institutional Capacity Building for Civil Society Organizations” on September 21, 2017 (14:00 to 17:00) in Islamabad. Your input about the topic will be of great value for the participants. Please fill the APPLICATION FORM and submit at email: before the close of September 19, 2017. 

“Metropolitan City and Civil Society Organizations Seminar 2017 Islamabad” 

Deficiency of technical and human capacities at local level affects quality and efficiency of local services negatively. With the latest arrangements, expanding duties and responsibilities of local governments, specifically increasing the number of metropolitan municipalities and their expanding areas of duties including rural areas, increase the need for developing institutional capacity. Newly established metropolitan municipalities will be in the first place in the need of developing institutional capacity. In a determination of local and regional policies, a weight of governance mechanisms where the public, private sector, and CSOs are intended to generate common ideas and solutions is gradually increasing. However, due to technical, administrative and financial restrictions, while interest and participation level of local institutions to the subject structures is insufficient, reflecting local problems and priorities to central institutions’ policies gets more difficult. Participation takes place among the basic components of programs and projects directly related to its development. It is clear that effect in the development of planning decisions and active participation to implementation processes of project target audience, professional and CSOs in the focus of the development cannot be denied. Access to sources and basic services of institutional structures where participation is institutionalized and occurs in active social participation relations; strengthening and providing sustainability of these structures on human rights base in legal, financial, administrative aspects is very important.   

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